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Class ActualHashSet

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper ScruSet MuSet HashSet
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Collection-Sets

Class Methods

arrayStats: array


countAdd: tally

countDelete: tally

countStepper: tally

countTest: tally


Overrides: MuSet class



Overrides: HashSet class

makeHeaper: something

Overrides: HashSet class

makeIntegerVar: someSize

Overrides: HashSet class

Instance Methods


If my contents are shared, and I'm about to change them, make a copy of them.


checkSize: byAmount


Overrides: ScruSet


Overrides: HashSet


Overrides: HashSet

create: newTally with: entries

create: newTally with: hashValues with: entries

createRcvr: receiver


Overrides: Heaper

distanceFromHome: loc with: home with: modulus


hashFind: item

Starting at the item's preferred location and iterating (not recurring!) around the set's
storage while the slots we're examining are occupied...
If the current slot's occupant is the target item, return a hit
if the current occupant is closer to it's preferred location, return a miss.
If we've gone all the way around, return a miss.

hashRemove: from

Remove the indicated item from the set.
Iteratively (not recursively!) move other items up until one is nil or happier where it is.

hashStore: item with: values with: entries

Starting at the new item's preferred location and iterating (not recurring!) around the set's storage while the slots we're examining are occupied. (Caller assures us there IS a vacant slot) if the current occupant is no closer to it's preferred location, exchange it with the 'new' one. Bail out if the current occupant IS the new one.
Store the currently 'new' item.

hasMember: someone

Overrides: HashSet

introduce: anElement

Overrides: HashSet


Overrides: HashSet

printInternals: oo

This method is for regression testing.

Overrides: HashSet

receiveHashSet: rcvr

Make myHashEntries large enough that we won't grow.

remove: anElement

Overrides: HashSet

sendHashSet: xmtr

This currently doesn't take advantage of the optimizations in TableEntries. It should.

sendSelfTo: xmtr


Overrides: HashSet

store: anElement

maintainance note: storeAll: has a copy of the code starting at self hashFind:... for efficiency.

Overrides: HashSet

storeAll: other

union equivalent

Overrides: MuSet


Overrides: HashSet

wipe: anElement

Overrides: HashSet

wipeAll: other

Sort of minus. Wipe from myself all elements from other.
Turn myself into my current self minus other.

Overrides: MuSet

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