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Class BatchCounter

Instances preallocate a bunch of numbers and record the preallocations to disk. It then increments purely in memory until the preallocated counts are used up. It then preallocates another bunch of numbers. If the system crashes, all numbers between the in-memory count and the on-disk count simply never get used. This reduces the access to disk for shepherd hashes and GrandMap IDs.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper Abraham Counter
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-counter

Class Methods

make: count with: batchCount

Overrides: Counter class

makeFakeCounter: count with: batchCount with: hash

Instance Methods


Overrides: Abraham


Overrides: Counter

create: count with: batchCount

Overrides: Abraham

create: count with: batchCount with: hash

createRcvr: receiver

Overrides: Counter


Overrides: Counter

decrementBy: count

Overrides: Counter


Overrides: Counter

incrementBy: count

Overrides: Counter

restartBatchCounter: trans

re-initialize the non-persistent part

sendSelfTo: xmtr

Overrides: Counter

setCount: count

Overrides: Counter

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