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Class BeEdition

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper Abraham BeRangeElement
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Be-Basic

Class Methods

make: oroot

Instance Methods

addDetector: detect

Add a detector which will be triggered with a FeEdition when a PlaceHolder becomes a non-PlaceHolder

addOParent: oparent

add oparent to the set of upward pointers. Editions may
also have to propagate BertCrum change downward.

Overrides: BeRangeElement

anyPasses: finder

Overrides: BeRangeElement

attachTrailBlazer: blazer

Attach the TrailBlazer to this Edition, and return the region of partiality it is attached to

checkRecorders: finder with: scrum

Overrides: BeRangeElement

combine: other

An Edition with the contents of both Editions; where they share keys, they must have the same RangeElement.


The space from which the keys of this Edition are taken. Equivalent to
this->domain ()->coordinateSpace ()

copy: keys

A new Edition with the domain restricted to the given set of keys.


The number of keys in this Edition. Blasts if infinite. Equivalent to
this->domain ()->count ()

create: root

Overrides: BeRangeElement

createRcvr: receiver

Overrides: BeRangeElement


The Works currently on this Edition



Overrides: BeRangeElement


All the keys in this Edition. May be infinite, or empty.

endorse: endorsements

Adds to the endorsements on this Edition. The set of endorsements must be a finite number of (club ID, token ID) pairs.


All of the endorsements on this Edition.

fetch: key

Create a front end representation for what is at the given key.

fetchOrMakeBeRangeElement: key

An actual, non-virtual FE range element at that key. Used by become operation to get something to pass into BeRangeElement::become ()

fossilRelease: oldGrabber

get: key

The value at the given key, or blast if there is no such key (ie. if ! this->domain ()->hasMember (key)).

getOrMakeBe: key

An actual, non-virtual FE range element at that key. Used by become operation to get something to pass into BeRangeElement::become ()


Get or make a TrailBlazer for recording results into this Edition. Blast if there is already more than one

includesKey: key

Whether the given key is in the Edition. Equivalent to
this->domain ()->hasMember (key)

introduceWork: work

A Work has been newly revised to point at me.


Whether there are any keys in this Edition. Equivalent to
this->domain ()->isEmpty ()


Whether there is a finite number of keys in this Edition. Equivalent to
this->domain ()->isFinite ()


Overrides: BeRangeElement

keysLabelled: label

The keys in this Edition at which there are Editions with the given label.

keysOf: value

All of the keys in this Edition at which the given RangeElement can be found. Equivalent to
this->sharedRegion (theServer ()->makeEditionWith (some position, value))

makeFe: label

Overrides: BeRangeElement

mapSharedTo: other

A Mapping from each of the keys in this Edition to all of the keys in the other Edition which have the same RangeElement.

notSharedWith: other with: flags


ownerAt: key

Return the owner for the given position in the receiver.

parcelAt: key


printOn: oo

Overrides: Object


propChange: change with: nw

propChanged: change with: old with: nw

propChanged: change with: old with: nw with: oldFinder

rangeOwners: positions

The owners of all the RangeElements in the given Region, or in the entire
Edition if no Region is specified.

rangeTranscluders: region with: directFilter with: indirectFilter with: flags with: otherTrail

rangeWorks: region with: filter with: flags with: otherTrail

rebind: key with: edition

Replace the Edition at the given key, leaving the Label the same. Equivalent to
this->store (key, edition->labelled (CAST(FeEdition,this->get (key))->label ()))

removeDetector: detect

Remove a previously added detector


Notify the edition that there are no remaining detectors on it.

removeWork: work

The Work is no longer onto this Edition. Remove the backpointer.

reorganize: oldRegion with: oldOrder with: newRegion with: newOrder

replace: other

An Edition with the contents of both Editions; where they share keys, use the contents of the other Edition. Equivalent to
this->copy (other->domain ()->complement ())->combine (other)

restartE: rcvr

retract: endorsements

Removes endorsements from this Edition. Ignores all endorsements which you could have removed, but which don't happen to be there right now.

retrieve: region with: order with: flags

ringDetectors: newIdentities

Ring all my detectors with the given Edition as an argument

scheduleDelayedBackfollow: fossil

scheduleDelayedBackfollow: fossil with: region

Walk down orgl's O-tree (onto range elements of interest) planting pointers to a Fossil of BackfollowRecorder in the sensor canopy and collecting agenda items to propagate their endorsement and permission filtering info rootward in the sensor canopy.
Create and schedule a structure of AgendaItems to:
- First: Do the filtering info propagation.
- Second: Find and record any currently matching stamps.

This is done in this order so collection of the future part of recorder information is completed before the present part is extracted, keeping significant information from falling through the crack.

scheduleImmediateBackfollow: fossil

scheduleImmediateBackfollow: fossil with: region

Find and record any currently matching Editions.

sendSelfTo: xmtr

Overrides: BeRangeElement

setAllOwners: newOwner

setAllOwners: newOwner with: region

setRangeOwners: newOwner with: region

Changes the owner of all RangeElements; requires the authority of the current owner.
Returns the subset of this Edition whose owners did not get changed because of lack of authority.

sharedRegion: other

sharedRegion: other with: flags

sharedWith: other with: flags


If this Edition has a single key, then the value at that key; if not, blasts. Equivalent to
this->get (this->domain ()->theOne ())


All of the endorsements on this Edition and all Works directly on it

transformedBy: mapping

An Edition with the keys transformed according to the given Mapping. Where the Mapping takes several keys in the domain to a single key in the range, this Edition must have the same RangeElement at all the domain keys.

tryAllBecome: newIdentities

Change the identities of the RangeElements of this Edition to those at the same key in the other Edition. The left piece of the result contains those object which are know to not be able to become, because of
- lack of ownership authority
- different contents
- incompatible types
- no corresponding new identity
The right piece of the result is nil if there is nothing more that might be done, or else the remainder of the receiver on which we might be able to proceed. This material might fail at a later time because of any of the reasons above; or it might succeed , even though it failed this time because of
- synchronization problem
- just didn't feel like it
This is always required to make progress if it can, although it isn't required to make all the progress that it might. Returns right=nil when it can't make further progress.

unendorse: endorsements

updateBCrumTo: newBCrum

My bertCrum must not be leafward of newBCrum.
Thus it must be LE to newCrum. Otherwise correct it and recur.

Overrides: BeRangeElement


All of the endorsements on this Edition and all Works which the CurrentKeyMaster can read.

wait: sensor

with: key with: value

A new Edition with a RangeElement at a specified key. The old value, if there is one, is superceded. Equivalent to
this->replace (theServer ()->makeEditionWith (key, value))

withAll: keys with: value

A new Edition with a RangeElement at a specified set of keys. The old values, if there are any, are superceded. Equivalent to
this->replace (theServer ()->makeEditionWithAll (keys, value))

without: key

A new Edition without any RangeElement at a specified key. The old value, if there is one, is removed. Equivalent to
this->copy (key->asRegion ()->complement ())

withoutAll: keys

A new Edition without any RangeElements at the specified keys. The old values, if there are any, are removed. Equivalent to
this->copy (keys->complement ())

works: permissions with: endorsementsFilter with: flags

Overrides: BeRangeElement

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