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Class DspLoaf

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper Abraham OPart Loaf InnerLoaf
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Be-Ents

Instance Methods

actualSplay: region with: limitRegion

Make each child completely contained or completely outside
the region. Return the number of children completely in the region.

Overrides: InnerLoaf

addOParent: oparent

add oparent to the set of upward pointers and update the bertCrums my child.

Overrides: Loaf

attachTrailBlazer: blazer

Overrides: InnerLoaf

bundleStepper: region with: order with: globalDsp

Return a stepper of bundles according to the order.

Overrides: InnerLoaf

checkChildRecorders: finder

send checkRecorders to all children

Overrides: InnerLoaf

checkTrailBlazer: blazer

Overrides: InnerLoaf

combine: another with: limitRegion with: globalDsp

Accumulate dsp downward.

Overrides: InnerLoaf

compare: trace with: region

return a mapping from my data to corresponding stuff in the given trace

Overrides: InnerLoaf


Overrides: Loaf


Overrides: InnerLoaf

create: loaf with: dsp

Overrides: InnerLoaf

createRcvr: receiver

Overrides: InnerLoaf


delayedStoreMatching: finder with: fossil with: recorder with: hCrumCache

Overrides: InnerLoaf


Overrides: Loaf


Overrides: InnerLoaf

fetch: key with: edition with: globalKey

Look up the range element for the key. If it is embedded within a virtual
structure, then make a virtual range element using the edition and globalKey.

Overrides: InnerLoaf

fetchBottomAt: key

Return the bottom-most Loaf. Used to get the owner and such of a position.

Overrides: InnerLoaf


Overrides: InnerLoaf

fill: keys with: toArrange with: toArray with: globalDsp with: edition

Make an FeRangeElement for each position.

Overrides: InnerLoaf

getBe: key

Get or Make the BeRangeElement at the location.

Overrides: InnerLoaf


This is used by the splay algorithms.

Overrides: InnerLoaf

keysLabelled: label

Just search for now.

Overrides: InnerLoaf

mappingTo: trace with: initial

return the mapping into the domain space of the given trace

Overrides: OPart


This is used by the splay algorithms.

Overrides: InnerLoaf

printOn: aStream

Overrides: Object

rangeOwners: positions

Overrides: InnerLoaf

sendSelfTo: xmtr

Overrides: InnerLoaf

setAllOwners: owner

Recur assigning owners. Return the portion of the o-tree that couldn't be assigned.

Overrides: InnerLoaf

sharedRegion: trace with: limitRegion

Return a region describing the stuff that can backfollow to trace.

Overrides: InnerLoaf

storeRecordingAgents: recorder with: agenda

Overrides: InnerLoaf

testChild: child

Return true if child is a child. Used for debugging.

testHChild: child

Return true if child is a child. Used for debugging.

transformedBy: externalDsp

Return a copy with externalDsp added to the receiver's dsp.

Overrides: Loaf

triggerDetector: detect

Overrides: InnerLoaf

unTransformedBy: externalDsp

Return a copy with externalDsp removed from the receiver's dsp.

Overrides: Loaf

updateBCrumTo: newBCrum

My bertCrum must not be leafward of newBCrum.
Thus it must be LE to newCrum. Otherwise correct it and recur.

Overrides: Loaf


Overrides: InnerLoaf

wait: sensor

Overrides: InnerLoaf

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