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Class FePath

A sequence of Labels, used for context information in a LinkEnd.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper FeWrapper
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-nlinks

Class Methods

check: edition

construct: edition


Overrides: FeWrapper class


Overrides: FeWrapper class


Overrides: FeWrapper class

make: labels

makeWrapper: edition

setSpec: wrap

Overrides: FeWrapper class


Overrides: FeWrapper class

Instance Methods

create: edition with: spec

Overrides: FeWrapper


The first label in the sequence

follow: edition

Follow a path down into an Edition and return what is at the end of the path. Fail if at any point there is not precisely one choice.

replace: container with: contained with: index with: count

replaceIn: container with: value

Replace whatever is at this path in the container with the newValue. Fail if at any point there is not precisely one choice.


The remaining path after the first label in the sequence

withFirst: label

Append it to the beginning of the path

withLast: label

Append it to the end of the path

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