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Class FilterDsp

There are no non-trivial Dsps currently defined on a FilterSpace.

It would be possible to define them with reference to a Dsp in the baseSpace, as
filterDsp->of(filter)->match(R) iff filter->match(filterDsp->baseDsp()->inverseOf(R))
for all R in the base space.
However, we have not yet found a use for them.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper Mapping Dsp IdentityDsp
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Filter

Class Methods

make: cs

An identity Dsp on the given FilterSpace.


Overrides: IdentityDsp class


Overrides: IdentityDsp class

Instance Methods


Overrides: IdentityDsp


Overrides: IdentityDsp

create: cs

createRcvr: receiver

isEqual: other

Overrides: IdentityDsp

sendSelfTo: xmtr

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