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Class BranchDescription

Instances of subclasses describe the different kinds of paths in a traceDag. The
three kinds are root (no parent), tree (one parent) and dag (two parent) branches.
The dag caching routine chases up the dag finding the max of all paths. The special
case of chasing up the hierarchy is probably not worth the code.

At the moment, these never go away!!!

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper Abraham
Immediate Subclasses: DagBranch RootBranch TreeBranch
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Traces

Class Methods

make: fulltrace

make: fulltrace with: parent

make: fulltrace with: parent1 with: parent2

Instance Methods

= another

Overrides: Object

addSuccessorsTo: set

Add the first useable positions for all successor branches to the set.

cacheRecur: navCache

recur toward the root filling in the cache.

Overridden by: DagBranch RootBranch TreeBranch


Overrides: Abraham
Overridden by: DagBranch TreeBranch

create: ft

Overrides: Abraham
Overridden by: RootBranch

createAfter: trace

Return a new successor to the receiver. The first successor is on the
same branch with a higher position. Further successors are allocated
in a binary-tree fashion along a new branch.

createRcvr: receiver

Overrides: Abraham
Overridden by: DagBranch RootBranch TreeBranch

does: position include: tracePos

installBranch: branch

Install branch as a descendant branch of myself. Walk down the binary tree of
branches to find a place to lodge it. This gets called if there was already a
branch existing off my root.

installBranch: branch after: trace

makeBranch: trace1 with: trace2

Create a dag branch that succeeds both trace1 and trace2.


Return the first available tracePosition on this branch.


See the comment for isEqual:.

oisEqual: another

^(another isKindOf: BranchDescription) and: [(another basicCast: BranchDescription) branchNum == myBranchNum]

printOn: aStream

Overrides: Object

sendSelfTo: xmtr

Overrides: Abraham
Overridden by: DagBranch RootBranch TreeBranch

successorsOf: trace

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