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Class ByteShuffler

Instances shuffle bytes to convert between byte sexes. Subclasses are defined for each of the various transformations.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper
Immediate Subclasses: NoShuffler SimpleShuffler
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-proman

Instance Methods



Return a shuffler that inverts the receiver's shuffler. This will typically be the same transformation.

shuffle: precision with: buffer with: size

Go from one byte sex to another for representing numbers of the specified precision.

shuffle16: buffer with: count

Go from one byte sex to another for representing 16 bit numbers.

Overridden by: NoShuffler SimpleShuffler

shuffle32: buffer with: count

Go from one byte sex to another for representing 32 bit numbers.

Overridden by: NoShuffler SimpleShuffler

shuffle64: buffer with: count

Go from one byte sex to another for representing 64 bit numbers.

Overridden by: NoShuffler SimpleShuffler

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