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Class TestPacker

Does not actually go to disk, but just tests that the protocol is being followed correctly. Some of these tests may make it into the real SnarfPacker, but some of them will remain debugging tools. Most operations only do enough real stuff to be able to check that they work.

The TestPacker holds onto an IntegerTable of UInt8Arrays that contain the disk representations of all the flocks. It also holds

myDisk contains a UInt8Array for every flock that made it to disk. They are assigned sequential numbers.
myNewFlocks contains the flockInfos for new flocks, and thus contains the new flocks wimpily.
myAlmostNewFlocks contains flocks that are under construction but have not yet finished.
myDestroyedFlocks contains flocks that will be destroyed upon exiting the current consistent block.
myChangedFlocks points strongly at flocks that must be rewritten to disk.

Package: Udanax-Gold
All Superclasses: Object Heaper DiskManager
Protocols: Object
Categories: Xanadu-Snarf

Class Methods

bombEndCommit: CHARGE

make: blast with: persistInterval

Instance Methods

assignSnarf: shep

beginConsistent: dirty

Overrides: DiskManager


committing: flag

computeHash: flock

Compute a hash on the contents

computeSize: flock

Send the snarf over a transmitter into a stream that just counts the bytes put into it.


Decrement the countdown and return its new value

create: blast with: persistInterval

destroyFlock: info

Queue destroy of the given flock. The destroy will probably happen later.

Overrides: DiskManager

diskUpdate: info

Overrides: DiskManager

dismantleFlock: info

The flock designated by info has completed all dismantling actions; throw it off the disk.

Overrides: DiskManager

dropFlock: token

Overrides: DiskManager

endConsistent: dirty

Overrides: DiskManager

fetchCanonical: hash with: snarfID with: index

Overrides: DiskManager


Rewrite all flocks that have changed in this snarf.

forgetFlock: info

Overrides: DiskManager


Overrides: DiskManager


Overrides: DiskManager


Overrides: DiskManager


Overrides: DiskManager


makeRcvr: readStream

makeReal: info

Overrides: DiskManager

makeXmtr: writeStream


mustKnowShepherd: info

Check that I know about this shepherd



Overrides: DiskManager


Overrides: DiskManager


purgeClean: noneLocked

Overrides: DiskManager

readStream: info

Get a read stream on the disk contents of the info

recordUpdate: info

The flock represented by info has changed. Record it in the
bookkeeping data-structures. This must be called by all things
that affect whether the flock gets rewritten to disk.


do nothing for now

registerStub: shep with: snarfID with: index

Overrides: DiskManager

rememberFlock: info

Overrides: DiskManager


storeAlmostNewShepherd: shep

Overrides: DiskManager

storeInitialFlock: turtle with: protocol with: cookbook

Overrides: DiskManager

storeNewFlock: shep

Shep just got created! On some later commit, assign it to a snarf
and write it to the disk.

Overrides: DiskManager

writeStream: info

Get a write stream on the disk contents of the info

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